Aler, RicardoGalván, Inés M.Valls, José M.2010-12-162010-12-162009-01-14Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies International Joint Conference, BIOSTEC 2009. Springer, 2009, pp. 200-210978-3-642-11720-61865-0929 of: Biosignals 2009. International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing, BIOSTEC 2009. Porto (Portugal), 14-17 January 2009The context of this paper is the brain-computer interface (BCI), and in particular the classification of signals with machine learning methods. In this paper we intend to improve classification accuracy by taking advantage of a feature of BCIs: instances run in sequences belonging to the same class. In that case, the classiffication problem can be reformulated into two subproblems: detecting class transitions and determining the class for sequences of instances between transitions. We detect a transition when the Euclidean distance between the power spectra at two different times is larger than a threshold. To tackle the second problem, instances are classified by taking into account, not just the prediction for that instance, but a moving window of predictions for previous instances. Experimental results show that our transition detection method improves results for datasets of two out of three subjects of the BCI III competition. If the moving window is used, classification accuracy is further improved, depending on the window size.application/octet-streamapplication/octet-streamapplication/octet-streamtext/plainapplication/pdfeng© SpringerBrain computer interfaceImproving classification for brain computer interfaces using transitions and a moving windowconference paperInformática10.1007/978-3-642-11721-3_15open access200210Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies International Joint Conference, BIOSTEC 2009