Infante García, DiegoGiner, EugenioMiguélez Garrido, María HenarWahab, Magd Abdel2022-09-072022-09-072019-07-01Infante García, D., Giner, E., Miguélez Garrido, M. H., & Wahab, M. A. (2019). Numerical analysis of the influence of micro-voids on fretting fatigue crack initiation lifetime. Tribology International, 135, 121-129.0301-679X this paper, the influence of the heterogeneity in the predicted crack initiation lifetime under fretting fatigue conditions is analysed for a regular and a random distribution of micro-voids. A critical plane analysis with two multiaxial damage criteria is performed to assess the crack initiation lifetime. The predicted initiation lifetime in the heterogeneous material is compared with the results obtained in the homogeneous case. The numerical results show that the heterogeneity has a noticeable influence on the predicted initiation lifetime. Furthermore, the numerical model suggests that a crack may firstly initiate at the upper edge of the micro-voids located close to the contact edge, leading to a mean reduction of the predicted crack initiation lifetime. However, in some cases, the introduction of micro-voids reduces the stress intensity at the contact edge and thus decreasing the predicted crack initiation lifetime.9eng© 2019 Elsevier Ltd.Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 EspañaHeterogeneous materialFretting fatigueFinite element methodPrediction crack initiationPropagation lifetimePredictionPorosityNucleationCriterionBehaviorNumerical analysis of the influence of micro-voids on fretting fatigue crack initiation lifetimeresearch articleMateriales10.1016/j.triboint.2019.02.032open access121129Tribology International135AR/0000023850