Ardila Rey, Jorge AlfredoMartínez Tarifa, Juan ManuelRobles Muñoz, GuillermoRojas Moreno, Mónica VictoriaAlbarracín Sánchez, Ricardo2013-02-062013-02-062012-05-13A Partial Discharges Acquisition and StatisticalAnalysis Software (2012). 2012 IEEE IMTC International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology: Proceedings. Pp. 1670-1675978-1-4577-1771-0 Discharges (PDs) are responsible forunexpected failures in power system equipment, so theirmeasurement is a fundamental tool for electrical equipmentmaintenance. In order to characterize PDs activity, somestatistical magnitudes are necessary. For this purpose, PDsacquisition and processing is an important tool for criticaldecisions related to power systems. In this paper, the maindifficulties and challenges facing PDs detection, acquisition andprocessing are presented. Results will be compared to acommercial PDs detection system.text/plainapplication/pdfeng© IEEEPD pulse waveformSignalPartial dischargeDetection algorithmZero crossing detectorA Partial Discharges Acquisition and Statistical Analysis Softwareconference output10.1109/I2MTC.2012.6229187open access167016752012 IEEE IMTC International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology: ProceedingsCC/0000015126