Corvaja, RobertoGarcía-Fernández, Juan JoséGarcía-Armada, Ana2015-06-082015-06-082013-04IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (2013), pp. 3146 - 3151978-1-4673-5939-91525-3511 proceeding at: IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC, 2013), took place 2013, April, 7-10, in Shaghai (China)We present partial coordination strategies in a clustered cellular environment, evaluating the achievable rate in the downlink transmission. Block Diagonalization is employed for the coordinated users within the cluster to remove interference, while the interference from non-coordinated users remains. The achievable rate is evaluated resorting to an analytical expression conditioned on the position of the users in the cluster. A partial coordination approach is proposed to reduce the coordination complexity and overhead, where users close to the base station are not coordinated. Two approaches are considered, namely the non-coordinated users can be grouped and assigned separated resources from the coordinated ones, or they can be mixed.6application/pdfeng© 2013, IEEECoordinated base stationsClustering; multiple-antennasBlock diagonalizationNetwork MIMOPartial coordination in clustered base station MIMO transmissionconference paperTelecomunicaciones10.1109/WCNC.2013.6555065open access31463151IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference ( 2013)CC/0000021490