Álvarez, María JoséMontes-Sancho, María J.Mendonça Tachizawa, ElcioUniversidad Politecnica De Valencia2020-06-092020-06-092017-05-011989-9068https://hdl.handle.net/10016/30597This study provides a first overview of how to combine some of the elements of the blended teaching models, such as SPOCs, with new teaching approaches, like the Flipped Classroom, in the domains of the Supply Chain Management education. Its main goal is to raise the learning rate in a heterogeneous students’ group. The proposal takes into account both classic curricular concerns on the teaching of Supply Chain Management, as in Visich and Khumawala (2006), and its pedagogical new trends, like in Wisner (2017).spaAtribución 3.0 EspañaLearningSpocFlipped ClassroomScmInventory ManagementProduction PlanningCurriculum DevelopmentEmpresaA first approximation to the SPOCs-FC in the context of the Supply Chain Managementworking paperEconomíaopen accessDT/0000001764