Arrabales, RaúlSanchis de Miguel, María Araceli2011-02-222011-02-222008-06Pattern Recognition Letters, vol.29,issue 8, June 2008, pp.1033-1038.0167-8655 paper briefly describes the most relevant current approaches to the implementation of scientific models of consciousness. Main aspects of scientific theories of consciousness are characterized in sight of their possible mapping into artificial implementations. These implementations are analyzed both theoretically and functionally. Also, a novel pragmatic functional approach to machine consciousness is proposed and discussed. A set of axioms for the presence of consciousness in agents is applied to evaluate and compare the various models.text/plainapplication/pdfeng© Elsevier B.V.Machine consciousnessSituated agentsAttentionModels of mindApplying machine consciousness models in autonomous situated agentsresearch articleInformática10.1016/j.patrec.2007.09.002open access103381038Pattern Recognition Letters29