Contucci, PierluigiSandell, Frank RickardSeyedi, Seyedalireza2022-04-262022-04-262017-04-01Contucci, P., Sandell, R.& Seyedi, S. (2017). Forecasting the integration of immigrants. The Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 41 (2), pp. 127-1370022-250X this research, we develop and introduce a theoretical and mathematical forecasting framework of immigrant integration using immigrant density as a single driver. First, we introduce the integration concepts we aim at forecasting. Thereafter, we introduce a theoretical and mathematical model of the relationship between integration and immigrant density. Based on this model, we develop a methodological forecasting framework. We test the framework using immigrant integration data from Spain. We produce the forecasts, and conduct the proper evaluation of them. Finally, we conclude with a brief discussion of the wider implications of our results.eng© The AuthorsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 EspañaForecastingImmigrant densityImmigrationSocial and labor-market integrationStatistical-mechanicsIntermarriageAssimilationPopulationDynamicsPatternsSpainForecasting the integration of immigrantsresearch articleSociología access1272137JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL SOCIOLOGY41AR/0000020145