Bello Hernández, ManuelPijeira Cabrera, Héctor EstebanRivero Castillo, Daniel Alberto2022-01-252022-01-252020-10Bello-Hernández, M., Pijeira-Cabrera, H., & Rivero-Castillo, D. (2020). Iterated Integrals and Borwein–Chen–Dilcher Polynomials. Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, 17(5), 148.1660-5446 study the zero location and the asymptotic behavior of iterated integrals of polynomials. Borwein–Chen–Dilcher’s polynomials play an important role in this issue. For these polynomials we find their strong asymptotics and give the limit measure of their zero distribution. We apply these results to describe the zero asymptotic distribution of iterated integrals of ultraspherical polynomials with parameters (2α+1)/2, α∈Z+.19eng© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020.Asymptotic behaviourIterated integralsOrthogonal polynomialsZeros of polynomialsIntegrals and iterated integrals and Borwein-Chen-Dilcher polynomialsresearch articleMatemáticas access1519Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics17AR/0000027590