Makeev, Maxim A.Cuerno, RodolfoBarabási, Albert-László2010-02-182010-02-182002-12Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B, 2002, vol. 197, n. 3-4, p. 185-2270168-583X pages, 23 figures.-- PACS nrs.: 61.80.Az; 68.35.Bs; 64.60.Ht.-- ArXiv pre-print available at: publisher version available Open Access at: derive a stochastic nonlinear continuum equation to describe the morphological evolution of amorphous surfaces eroded by ion bombardment. Starting from Sigmund’s theory of sputter erosion, we calculate the coefficients appearing in the continuum equation in terms of the physical parameters characterizing the sputtering process. We analyze the morphological features predicted by the continuum theory, comparing them with the experimentally reported morphologies. We show that for short time scales, where the effect of nonlinear terms is negligible, the continuum theory predicts ripple formation. We demonstrate that in addition to relaxation by thermal surface diffusion, the sputtering process can also contribute to the smoothing mechanisms shaping the surface morphology. We explicitly calculate an effective surface diffusion constant characterizing this smoothing effect and show that it is responsible for the low temperature ripple formation observed in various experiments. At long time scales the nonlinear terms dominate the evolution of the surface morphology. The nonlinear terms lead to the stabilization of the ripple wavelength and we show that, depending on the experimental parameters, such as angle of incidence and ion energy, different morphologies can be observed: asymptotically, sputter eroded surfaces could undergo kinetic roughening, or can display novel ordered structures with rotated ripples. Finally, we discuss in detail the existing experimental support for the proposed theory and uncover novel features of the surface morphology and evolution, that could be directly tested experimentally.text/htmleng© ElsevierSurface morphologyIon irradiationRipplesSputteringRougheningMorphology of ion-sputtered surfacesresearch articleMatemáticas access