Espinosa, Jorge E.Velastin Carroza, Sergio AlejandroBranch, John W.2019-09-272019-09-272017-11-29Espinosa, J.E., Velastin, S.A. y Branch, J.W. (2017). Vehicle Detection Using Alex Net and Faster R-CNN Deep Learning Models: A Comparative Study. In Advances in Visual Informatics. Lecture Notes in Computer Science,10645, pp. 3-15.978-3-319-70009-0 paper has been presented at : 5th International Visual Informatics Conference (IVIC 2017)This paper presents a comparative study of two deep learning models used here for vehicle detection. Alex Net and Faster R-CNN are compared with the analysis of an urban video sequence. Several tests were carried to evaluate the quality of detections, failure rates and times employed to complete the detection task. The results allow to obtain important conclusions regarding the architectures and strategies used for implementing such network for the task of video detection, encouraging future research in this topic.13eng© Springer International Publishing AG 2017Convolutional neural networkFeature extractionVehicle classificationVehicle Detection Using Alex Net and Faster R-CNN Deep Learning Models: A Comparative Studyconference paperInformática access315Advances in Visual Informatics10645CC/0000029979