Salas Merino, Rosa AnaPleite Guerra, Jorge2019-01-162019-01-162013-06-17Salas, R. A., Pleite, J. (2013). Simple Procedure to Compute the Inductance of a Toroidal Ferrite Core from the Linear to the Saturation Regions. Materials, 6 (6), pp.2452-2463.1996-1944 propose a specific procedure to compute the inductance of a toroidal ferrite core as a function of the excitation current. The study includes the linear, intermediate and saturation regions. The procedure combines the use of Finite Element Analysis in 2D and experimental measurements. Through the two dimensional (2D) procedure we are able to achieve convergence, a reduction of computational cost and equivalent results to those computed by three dimensional (3D) simulations. The validation is carried out by comparing 2D, 3D and experimental results.12application/pdfeng© 2013 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 España2d finite element analysisSoft ferrite coresNonlinear inductorsMagnetic componentsHigh-frequencySimulation lossesSimple procedure to compute the inductance of a toroidal ferrite core from the linear to the saturation regionsresearch articleElectrónica access245262463Materials6AR/0000013720