García López, Sonia2013-04-162013-04-162007-06Archivos de la filmoteca, Nº 56, 2007 , págs. 10-150214-6606áfico dedicado a: "De la vanguardia al realismo: poéticas de pasaje" (Coordinadora.: Sonia García López)Web del editor: http://www.archivosdelafilmoteca.comThis article examines the context that gave rise to a fruitful dialogue between avant-garde and realist cinemas during the 1930s, especially in documentary films: a new kind of vision was being carved out. New perspectives were bringing to light fascinating formal correlations between abstract art and film images of extreme close-ups or extreme amplifications. At the same time avant-garde filmmakers were facing aesthetic and ethic challenges and found in film the perfect medium for intervening in that reality, knowing that it would play a central role as an instrument of social change.text/plainapplication/pdfspaAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 EspañaDe la vanguardia al realismo: poéticas de pasajeFrom the Avant-garde to Realism: Poetics of passageresearch articleCiencias de la Informaciónopen access105615Archivos de la filmotecaAR/0000012022