Banchs Roca, AlbertGutiérrez-Estévez, David M.Fuentes, ManuelBoldi, MauroProvvedi, Silvia2019-12-182019-12-182019-12-10IEEE Communications Magazine, 57(12) , Dec. 2019 , Pp. 38-440163-68041558-1896 (online) telecom industry is moving from a "horizontal" service delivery model, where services are defined independent of their consumers, toward a "vertical" delivery model, where the provided services are tailored to specific industry sectors and verticals. In order to enable this transition, an end-to-end comprehensive 5G architecture is needed, with capabilities to support the use cases of the different vertical industries. A key feature of this architecture is the implementation of network slicing over a single infrastructure to provision highly heterogeneous vertical services, as well as a network slicing management system capable of handling simultaneous slices. On top of the network slicing technology, functionality needs to be devised to deploy the slices required by the different vertical players and provide them with a suitable interface to manage their slice. In this article, we design a 5G mobile network architecture to support vertical industries. The proposed architecture builds on ongoing standardization efforts at 3GPP and ETSI, and incorporates additional modules to provide enhanced MANO and control functionality as well as artificial-intelligence-based data analytics. On top of these modules, a service layer is provided to offer vertical players an easyto- use interface to manage their services.7eng© 2019 IEEE.5g mobile communication3GPPNetwork slicingMarket researchNetwork architectureETSIData analysisArtificial intelligenceA 5G mobile network architecture to support vertical industriesresearch articleTelecomunicaciones access381244IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE57AR/0000024055