Pérez Sanagustín, MarKotorov, LouriTeixeira, AntónioMansilla, FernandaBroisin, JulienAlario-Hoyos, CarlosJerez, ÓscarTeixeira Pinto, Maria Do CarmoGarcía Gutiérrez, BoniDelgado Kloos, CarlosMorales, MiguelSolarte, MarioOliva-Córdova, Luis MagdielGonzalez Lopez, Astrid Helena2023-01-272023-01-272022-02-01Pérez-Sanagustín, M., Kotorov, I., Teixeira, A., Mansilla, F., Broisin, J., Alario-Hoyos, C., Jerez, S., Teixeira Pinto, M. D. C., García, B., Delgado Kloos, C., Morales, M., Solarte, M., Oliva-Córdova, L. M. & Gonzalez Lopez, A. H. (2022). A competency framework for teaching and learning innovation centers for the 21st century: anticipating the post-COVID-19 age. Electronics, 11(3), 413.2079-9292https://hdl.handle.net/10016/36383During the COVID-19 pandemic, most Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) across the globe moved towards “emergency online education”, experiencing a metamorphosis that advanced their capacities and competencies as never before. Teaching and Learning Centers (TLCs), the internal units that promote sustainable transformations, can play a key role in making this metamorphosis last. Existing models for TLCs have defined the competencies that they could help develop, focusing on teachers’, students’, and managers’ development, but have mislead aspects such as leadership, organizational processes, and infrastructures. This paper evaluates the PROF-XXI framework, which offers a holistic perspective on the competencies that TLCs should develop for supporting deep and sustainable transformations of HEIs. The framework was evaluated with 83 participants from four Latin American institutions and used for analyzing the transformation of their teaching and learning practices during the pandemic lockdown. The result of the analysis shows that the PROF-XXI framework was useful for identifying the teaching and learning competencies addressed by the institutions, their deficiencies, and their strategic changes. Specifically, this study shows that most institutions counted with training plans for teachers before this period, mainly in the competencies of digital technologies and pedagogical quality, but that other initiatives were created to reinforce them, including students’ support actions.33eng© 2022 by the authors.Atribución 3.0 EspañaTeaching Learning Center (TLC)CompetencePandemicA competency framework for teaching and learning innovation centers for the 21st century: anticipating the post-COVID-19 ageresearch articleCiencias de la InformaciónEducaciónTelecomunicacioneshttps://doi.org/10.3390/electronics11030413open access13, 41333Electronics11AR/0000030231