Baselga Llidó, JuanMartin Moreno, ZulimaPozuelo de Diego, JavierMokry López, Guillermo2021-02-162021-02-1620202020-06-24 main motivation behind this work, was to substitute the current technology used as lightning strike protection in the aircraft industry. This protection is composed of metallic meshes of foils, normally bronze, copper, and in some exceptional cases, for example in some fairings, aluminum in which cases, Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) material will be added to avoid corrosion that direct contact between the Carbon Fiber (from the structural Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer material (CFRP)) and the Al might cause [1]. The bronze mesh adapts better to parts with complex geometries and is cheaper than cooper materials, however, its electrical conductivity is lower than the ones exhibited by copper meshes or foils. For those areas that need, not only Lightning Strike Protection (LSP), but also electromagnetic shielding, copper mesh or foils will be used such as Expanded Copper Foils (ECF), which is an epoxy pre-impregnated expanded copper foil that allows automated placement on the CFRP part.engAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 EspañaLightning strike protectionAircraft industryCarbonaceous materialsCarbonaceous materials for their use as aircraft lightning strike protectiondoctoral thesisMaterialesopen access