Maroto, DavidIbáñez Espiga, María BlancaDelgado Kloos, Carlos2014-04-072014-04-072012Maroto, D. et al. (2012) E-iED 2012: Proceedings of the 2nd European Immersive Education Summit. Paris, France, November 26-27, 2012. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Departamento de Ingeniería Telemática, pp. 128-133978-84-695-6427-12325 - 5048 of: IED EUROPE: 2nd European Immersive Education Summit. París, France, 26-27 November, 2012.E-books marketplace is evolving faster than ever. New devices and technologies are coming into scene almost every month. In this paper we are going to review the main devices availables for e-book publishing and rendering and their associated formats, with special attention to the EPUB3 format, which is called to be adopted as the standard for the industry. We will explain the new possibilities offered by by this specification, with special focus on the scripting capabilities that will allow to implement augmented reality (AR) experiences inside e-books. We demonstrate also how to embed this AR experiences in the e-book thanks to new javascript libraries.6application/pdfengAugmented Realitye-booksEPUB3ReadiumEmbedding Augmented Reality Experiences in E-booksconference paperTelecomunicacionesopen access128133E-iED 2012: Proceedings of the 2nd European Immersive Education SummitCC/0000020259