Manuel, C.Ortega, E.Pozo Juan, Mónica2023-06-282023-06-282023-07Manuel, C., Ortega, E. & del Pozo, M. Marginality and the position value. TOP, 31(2), 459–474.1134-5764 present a new characterization of the position value, one of the most prominent allocation rules for communication situations (graph-games or games with restricted communication). This characterization includes the PL-marginality property, an extension for communications situations of the classic marginality for TU-games, as well as component efficiency and balanced link contributions for necessary players.16eng© The Author(s) 2022Atribución 3.0 EspañaGame TheoryTU-gameCommunication situationsPosition valueMarginalityPL-marginalityMarginality and the position valueresearch articleEconomíaEstadísticaMatemáticas access4592474TOP31AR/0000032922