Díaz Giménez, JavierBornukova, Kateryna2016-02-092016-02-092015-112016-01-22https://hdl.handle.net/10016/22260Tesis por compendio de publicacionesThe thesis consists of three chapters in form of separate papers. Two of the chapters focus on family labor supply and its effects on the business cycle behavior of hours worked. The third chapter analyses the sources of economic growth in Belarus. The first chapter, Real Business Cycles in Model Economies with a Two-Person Household, studies model economies with a representative two-person household. The standard RBC model cannot replicate the negative correlation of hours with aggregate labor productivity which we observe in the U.S. data (-0.18). I show that extending the standard model to include a two-person representative household, home production and extensive margin decision on labor market participation can generate this negative correlation. In the second chapter, Accounting for Labor Productivity Puzzle, I show that an increase in the share of two-earner households in the U.S. and corresponding changes in labor supply behavior have implications for aggregate business cycles. In particular, it may explain why in the recent decades aggregate labor productivity in the U.S. became countercyclical (labor productivity puzzle). I build a model with heterogeneous one- and two-earner households and aggregate technology shocks, and calibrate it to the current U.S. data. I impose the household structure change in the model and show that the behavior of labor productivity changes from procyclical to countercyclical. The third chapter, Belarusian Economic Growth Decomposition, written in co-authorship with Dzmitry Kruk, investigates the sources of the extraordinary growth Belarus experienced in 2000’s. Belarus stands out from the rest of post-Soviet transitional countries. The economic reforms in the country were limited, and Belarusian economy does not rely on natural resource rents. We carefully reconstruct the capital series for Belarus and perform the growth accounting. We find that Belarus mainly benefited from extensive growth through capital accumulation which quickly depleted its potential.Real business cycles in model economics with a two-person household / Kateryna Bornukova. -- Accounting for labor productivity puzzle / Kateryna Bornukova. --Belarusian Economic Growth decomposition / Dzmitry Kruk and Kateryna Bornukovaapplication/pdfengAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 EspañaModelo económicoCiclos económicosCrecimiento económicoProductividadEssays in macroeconomicsdoctoral thesisEconomíaopen access