Ansuátegui Roig, Francisco Javier2023-08-312023-08-312023Ansuátegui Roig, F. J. (2023). Sulla complessa relazione tra diritto e fiducia. Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics, XXV(1), 84-97.1855-5167 this paper I analyze Tommaso Greco's proposal regarding the relationship between Law and trust, focusing on some points and showing its complex and multidimensional nature; and sho- wing some consequences related to the concept of Law.14ita© The Author.Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 3.0 EspañaTrustSanctionEthicsConflictSecuritySulla complessa relazione tra diritto e fiduciaresearch articleDerechoFilosofíaPolíticaopen access84197Etica & Politica / Ethics & PoliticsXXVAR/0000032769