Gispert, JuanReig, SantiagoPascau González-Garzón, Javier2011-09-192011-09-192005NeuroImage, 2005, vol. 26, suplement 1, p. S431053-8119[Abstract] 11th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, June 2005, Toronto, CanadaThe aim of this work is to measure the repeatability of different segmentation strategies on regional volume estimates. We choose to focus on three possible alternatives of the most widely used segmentation method, the EM algoritIun. Thus, we have obtained regional volumetric data using raw EM, EM with PVE modeling, and EM using anatomical templates. To account for the most common sources of error, tIlese methods have been evaluated under different conditions of patient positioning, MR scarmer, and bias field correctionapplication/pdfeng©ElsevierEffect of partial volume modeling, use anatmical templates, and bias-field correction on the repeatability of MRI regional volume quantificationconference proceedingsBiología y Biomedicinaopen accessS43Suplement 1NeuroImage26