Deiß, ThomasDickhaus, BertoldKifle, Dereje2019-09-182019-09-182019 Slicing is an enabling technology of SG mobile networks. Multiple logical networks, satisfying different service leve) reqllirements can be deployed on the same infrastructure. Each of these logical networks can be described as a network service descriptor as defined by ETSI NFV. AJthough ETSl NFV defines support for physical network functions and for deployments across muJtiple datacenters, network services are taken to a new leve) of scale in SG network slices. ln this paper we describe issues caused by this leve) of scale and which have to be solved when describing and deploying a SG network slice as a network service (NSaaS). We also describe how these issues have been tackJed in the SG-TRANSFORMER project.2engNetwork slicingOrchestrationOn the Deployment of Large Scale NSaaSconference posterTelecomunicacionesopen access