RT Journal Article T1 Automated detection of neutropenia using noninvasive video microscopy of superficial capillaries A1 Pablo-Trinidad, Alberto A1 Butterworth, Ian A1 Ledesma Carbayo, María Jesús A1 Vettenburg, Tom A1 Sanchez-Ferro, Alvaro A1 Soenksen, Luis A1 Durr, Nicholas J. A1 Muñoz Barrutia, María Arrate A1 Cerrato, Carolina A1 Humala, Karem A1 Fadra Urdiol, Marta A1 Del Rio, Candice A1 Valles, Betsy A1 Chen, Yi-Bin A1 Hochberg, Ephraim P. A1 Castro-Gonzalez, Carlos A1 Bourquard, Aurelien PB Wiley SN 0361-8609 YR 2019 FD 2019-08 LK https://hdl.handle.net/10016/33999 UL https://hdl.handle.net/10016/33999 LA eng NO The authors thank the Madrid-MIT M+Visión Consortium, the Catalystprogram, and MIT linQ for their support and guidance in developing thisproject. They thank Martha L. Gray, Benjamin J. Vakoc, TimothyP. Padera, and all other MIT linQ faculty members who provided invalu-able feedback and advice through regular working-group sessions andmeetings. This work was supported by the NIH NCI SBIR Program (awardno. 1R43CA228920-01A1); the Comunidad de Madrid through theMadrid-MIT M+Visión Consortium; the Center For Future Technologiesin Cancer Care through Grant NIH U54 (award no. 4U54EB015403-05);the Wallace H. Coulter Foundation at BU; the Deshpande Center forTechnological Innovation; the MIT Sandbox Innovation Fund; and the M+Visión EU FP7-PEOPLE-2011-COFUND Program of the FundaciónMadri+d (Comunidad de Madrid). DS e-Archivo RD 1 sept. 2024