RT Generic T1 Plan de Negocio de una Empresa de Relojería Personalizada A1 Mazarrasa Chávarri, Juan AB During the last years most of the economies of countries around the world have suffereda crisis. This has resulted that some of most important banks of the world have closed,despite the fact that there have been enormous injections of capital by the governmentto save others from bankruptcy and some countries, such as Ireland, Portugal, Spain andGreece have suffered economic bailouts by the European Central Bank (ECB). All thishelps to understand the seriousness of the economic situation through the past years.For that reason, the consumption of the population has suffered a setback in recentyears, caused by the fear of the current situation and the future expectations. This hasmade that the activity in many sectors has been reduced, causing the closure of manycompanies and increasing the difficulty of undertaking.Taking into account the current economic situation and the various forecasts that occur,the purpose of this document is to study the feasibility of undertaking a company thatwill market a customized brand watches.In this project we are going to study the engagement of business in the market, thestrategy long and short term, the sector and competition to be had, production ofdifferent models, project profitability, etc. YR 2016 FD 2016 LK https://hdl.handle.net/10016/27210 UL https://hdl.handle.net/10016/27210 LA spa DS e-Archivo RD 27 jul. 2024