RT Generic T1 Techno-economic analysis of a 5G network in Spain A1 Riol Martín, Juan AB Information society and mobile society are two concepts that are both linked and undeniable. The first one refers to the necessity of high amount of information to develop most aspects of our lives, while the second one is related to the importance of mobile devices to get, analyse and use that information. In other words, every mobile device (that embraces not only mobile phones but also many other gadgets) has become a tool that shall interact with information.In order to fulfil those needs, technology has evolved, resulting into faster, more secure and more reliable networks. Needless to say, mobile networks are playing an indispensable role, as long as the society is evolving to a more and more mobile one, as above mentioned. Furthermore, new applications that had not been even imagined years ago must be fulfilled as well (i.e. smart cities).There are many industries that carry the weight of this progress. Companies of various sectors of our economy must develop each piece of the puzzle to ensure that the jigsaw is solved. Another important player should not be forgotten. The regulatory institutions and frameworks must coordinate all this investigations and progress in order to assure the universality, integrity and reachability of itself.The purpose of this document is to consider what the mobile communications needs of today’s society are, what they will be on a short, mid and long run, and how can they be solved. To face this task, the two main actors above mentioned will be taken into account. From the regulatory perspective, the proposals and law measures (i.e. IMT-2020 and new frequency allocations) must be considered, as well as the technical requirements for 5G generation, whether to be considered the subsequent evolution of LTE network or a new network, or even both. From the mobile companies’ point of view, a dense analysis on technical solutions to reach the above mentioned requirements will be followed by an economic analysis to discuss the profitability of the deployment of a 5G network.It must be understood that this study contemplates several scenarios, due to the different possibilities in terms of the spectrum policies and demand evolution in the forthcoming years. To this end, the several scenarios combined with the different cases of use must be taken into account, as well as many other KPIs. The coherent combination and analysis of all this parameters will reveal the requirements’ feasibility amongst varying scenarios. YR 2017 FD 2017-07 LK https://hdl.handle.net/10016/27517 UL https://hdl.handle.net/10016/27517 LA eng DS e-Archivo RD 1 sept. 2024