RT Generic T1 Reflexiones sobre las raíces del nacionalismo étnico vasco y su influencia en el proceso político A1 Cases Méndez, José Ignacio A2 Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Departamento de Ciencia Política y Sociología. Área de Ciencia Política y de la Administración, A2 Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Instituto de Política y Gobernanza, AB The objective of the working paper is to establish arelationship between the Basque nationalist ideology in its twoprincipal manifestations (the nonterroristapproach of the PNV andthe terrorist movement of ETA) and the influence that it exerts on thegeneral political activity of Spain’s democracy as well as on the daytodaylives of the people in the country.The main reason for the role played by this phenomenon isnot the weight of the nationalist ideology itself (which Spain’spopulation sees as antiquated), but rather the “pro domo sua” usewhich nonterroristnationalism makes of the acts of violence and thethreats against democracy by the terrorists.Following an analysis of the main characteristics defining theBasque nationalist ideology, the conclusion is that the PNV consistsof a bourgeois machinery designed at the end of the 19th century inorder to attain and hold power with a scarcely democratic ideologicalbase, which uses the support of the terrorist movement (even thoughit may not share all of its objectives, which ETA defines ambiguouslyas independence and socialism) but rather because the terroristactivity facilitates the line of argumentation that the terrible violenceinflicted upon the Basque people can only be resolved by means ofpolitical concessions which should lead to independence under theguidance of the PNV.This is nothing more than a fallacy, ignoring the fact thatBasque society is not a homogeneous society, but rather is terriblydivided into two halves, to which a democratic decisionmakingmechanism of a simple majority cannot be applied, as the situationcalls for a consociationbaseddemocracy. Even a number ofoutstanding nonterroristnationalists believe that it is neitherpossible nor acceptable to carry out a reform of the Statute thatwould involve the supplanting of the political subject constituted onthe basis of a covenant by another political subject constitutedsimply by the decision of a relative majority. SN 1698-482X YR 2008 FD 2008 LK https://hdl.handle.net/10016/1561 UL https://hdl.handle.net/10016/1561 LA spa DS e-Archivo RD 3 jul. 2024