RT Generic T1 Consistent estimation of conditional conservatism A1 Cano Rodríguez, Manuel A1 Núñez-Nickel, Manuel AB In this paper, we demonstrate analytically that Basu model estimates are affected by twobiases, except if very restrictive conditions are met: an aggregation bias produced by theabsence of the book-to-market ratio in Basu model, and (2) an aggregation problemproduced by the use of total market returns instead of separating the good news and badnews of the period. To solve this problem, we propose an alternative econometric modelthat is robust to both biases. The empirical results obtained using archival datademonstrate the advantages of robustness of our alternative econometric modelcompared to Basu model: it controls the omitted variable bias, is robust to theaggregation effect, its estimates are less influenced by the extreme values of marketreturns, and it presents a higher explanatory power. PB Social Science Research Network YR 2011 FD 2011-03 LK https://hdl.handle.net/10016/13793 UL https://hdl.handle.net/10016/13793 LA eng NO This research is funded by the SEJ2007-65782-C02-02ECON and the ECO2010-22105-C03-03 (subprogram ECON) research projects of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education,and the INFOINNOVA research project of the Community of Madrid. DS e-Archivo RD 1 sept. 2024