RT Journal Article T1 Cooperative scale-free networks despite the presence of detector hubs A1 Poncela, Julia A1 Gómez-Gardeñes, Jesús A1 Floría, Luis M. A1 Moreno, Yamir A1 Sánchez, Angel AB Recent results have shown that heterogeneous populations are better suited to supportcooperation than homogeneous settings when the Prisoner’s Dilemma drives the evolutionarydynamics of the system. The same occurs when the network growth is coevolving together withthe evolutionary dynamics, which also gives rise to highly cooperative scale-free networks. In thelatter case, however, the organization of cooperation is radically different with respect to the casein which the underlying network is static. In this paper we study the structure of cooperationin static networks grown together with evolutionary dynamics and show that the general beliefthat hubs can only be occupied by cooperators does not hold. Moreover, these scale-free networkssupport high levels of cooperation despite having defector hubs. Our results have several importantimplications for the explanation of cooperative behavior in scale-free networks and highlight theimportance that the formation of complex systems have on its function. PB IOPscience SN 0295-5075 (print version) SN 1286-4854 (online version) YR 2009 FD 2009-11 LK https://hdl.handle.net/10016/15017 UL https://hdl.handle.net/10016/15017 LA eng NO YM is supported by MICINN (Spain) through the Ram´on y Cajal Programme. This work has been partially supported by MICINN through Grants FIS2006-12781- C02-01, FIS2008-01240 and MOSAICO, and by Comunidad de Madrid (Spain) through Grant SIMUMAT-CM. DS e-Archivo RD 1 sept. 2024