RT Journal Article T1 La nueva normativa de mediación y la oportunidad de impulsar una práctica colaborativa del Derecho A1 Soleto Muñoz, Helena AB The recently passed Royal Decree-law on mediation eagerly awaited andpending for approval by Spanish Congress provides a great chance to changethe way legal disputes are tackled in Spain and to overcome the idea judicialproceedings are the only channel to be considered.Several reasons are causing the heavy workload of Spanish Courts. One ofthem is the lack of knowledge among legal practitioners regarding collaborativeprocedures. The author describes these techniques, mentioning othercountries have specialized lawyers in this field and explaining their scope foraction.The author argues that lawyers should be trained in these techniques, whichinclude negotiation and mediation. She analyzes as well the advantages thesemethods offer in terms of cost and greater satisfaction of all parties involved.Lawyers will soon find out about all these advantages, she forecasts.Finally the author describes in detail the training needed in the field and thesort of strategies that could boost these channels. PB Colegio Notarial de Madrid SN 1885-009X YR 2012 FD 2012-06 LK https://hdl.handle.net/10016/18353 UL https://hdl.handle.net/10016/18353 LA spa DS e-Archivo RD 18 jul. 2024