RT Conference Proceedings T1 The Role of Interaction and Common Randomness in Two-User Secure Computation A1 Kurri, Gowtham R. A1 Ravikumaran Nair, Jithin A1 Prabhakaran, Vinod M. AB We consider interactive computation of randomized functions between two users with the following privacy requirement: the interactive communication should not reveal to either user any extra information about the other user's input and output other than what can be inferred from the user's own input and output. We also consider the case where privacy is required against only one of the users. For both cases, we give single-letter expressions for feasibility and optimal rates of communication. Then we discuss the role of common randomness and interaction in both privacy settings. PB IEEE YR 2018 FD 2018-08 LK https://hdl.handle.net/10016/28976 UL https://hdl.handle.net/10016/28976 LA eng NO This paper has been presented at : 2018 IEEE International Symposium On Information Theory (ISIT) NO Gowtham R. Kurri was supported by a travel fellowshipfrom the Sarojini Damodaran Foundation. This work was donewhile Jithin Ravi was at Tata Institute of Fundamental Research.He has received funding from ERC grant 714161. DS e-Archivo RD 1 jul. 2024