RT Journal Article T1 Study of Compaction and Ejection of Hydrided-Dehydrided Titanium Powder A1 García Esteban, Pablo A1 Thomas, Y. A1 Baril, E. A1 Ruiz Navas, Elisa María A1 Gordo Odériz, Elena AB Three similar varieties of pure Ti hydride-dehydried (HDH) powders were tested for the understanding of the variables that have an influence on the compaction process of Ti powders. The study shows that small differences in the characteristics of the powders lead to very different behaviours in the compaction stage. Compressibility curves, friction with the die walls and ejection forces are discussed in this study. The results are compared with a commercial iron powder as a reference to complete the discussion, as well as to show the enhancements and modifications that should be performed in Ti powders to design an optimized powder suitable for being pressed in an industrial process. PB Springer SN 1598-9623 YR 2011 FD 2011-02 LK https://hdl.handle.net/10016/17215 UL https://hdl.handle.net/10016/17215 LA eng NO The authors want to acknowledge the contribution and effort of Mr. Paul-Émile Mongeon from Industrial Materials Institute (IMI, Canada), as well as for his teaching and advises during the use of Powder Testing Center located at IMI. Shirley Mercier from IMI and Dr. Begoña Ferrari from Instituto de Cerámica y Vidrio (ICV, Spain), are also acknowledged for their contribution to the experimental work. Authors want to acknowledge Fundación Carlos III and Instituto Álvaro Alonso Barba for the funds supplied during the stay at IMI of P.G. Esteban, and the Spanish Ministry of Education for the funds provided for the research thought the I+D project MAT2006-02458. DS e-Archivo RD 1 sept. 2024