RT Journal Article T1 Mobility and connectivity in highway vehicular networks: a case study in Madrid A1 Gramaglia, Marco A1 Trullols Cruces, Oscar A1 Naboulsi, Diala A1 Fiore, Marco A1 Calderón Pastor, María Carmen AB The performance of protocols and architectures for upcoming vehicular networks is commonly investigated by means of computer simulations, due to the excessive cost and complexity of large-scale experiments. Dependable and reproducible simulations are thus paramount to a proper evaluation of vehicular networking solutions. Yet, we lack today a reference dataset of vehicular mobility scenarios that are realistic, publicly available, heterogeneous, and that can be used for networking simulations straightaway. In this paper, we contribute to the endeavor of developing such a reference dataset, and present original synthetic traces that are generated from high-resolution real-world traffic counts. They describe road traffic in quasi-stationary state on three highways near Madrid, Spain, for different time-spans of several working days. To assess the potential impact of the traces on networking studies, we carry out a comprehensive analysis of the vehicular network topology they yield. Our results highlight the significant variability of the vehicular connectivity over time and space, and its invariant correlation with the vehicular density. We also underpin the dramatic influence of the communication range on the network fragmentation, availability, and stability, in all of the scenarios we consider. PB Elsevier SN 0140-3664 YR 2016 FD 2016-03-15 LK https://hdl.handle.net/10016/28518 UL https://hdl.handle.net/10016/28518 LA eng NO The research leading to these results has received funding from the People Programme (Marie Curie Actions) of the European Unions Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under REA grant agreement n.630211 ReFleX. This research was also funded by Spanish MICINN through the ADAS-ROAD Project (TRA2013-48314-C3-1-R). Funding for D. Naboulsi was provided by a grant from Rhône-Alpes Region. This work was carried out while Marco Gramaglia was at CNR-IEIIT. DS e-Archivo RD 1 sept. 2024