RT Journal Article T1 Aerodynamics of planar counterflowing jets A1 Weiss, A. D. A1 Coenen, Wilfried A1 Sánchez, A. L. AB The planar laminar flow resulting from the impingement of two gaseous jets ofdifferent density issuing into an open space from aligned steadily fed slot nozzles ofsemi-width H separated by a distance 2L is investigated by numerical and analyticalmethods. Specific consideration is given to the high Reynolds and low Mach numberconditions typically present in counterflow-flame experiments, for which the flow isnearly inviscid and incompressible. It is shown that introduction of a density-weightedvorticity–streamfunction formulation effectively reduces the problem to one involvingtwo jets of equal density, thereby removing the vortex-sheet character of the interfaceseparating the two jet streams. Besides the geometric parameter L/H, the solutiondepends only on the shape of the velocity profiles in the feed streams and on thejet momentum-flux ratio. While conformal mapping can be used to determine thepotential solution corresponding to uniform velocity profiles, numerical integrationis required in general to compute rotational flows, including those arising withPoiseuille velocity profiles, with simplified solutions found in the limits L/H 1 andL/H 1. The results are used to quantify the near-stagnation-point region, of interestin counterflow-flame studies, including the local value of the strain rate as well asthe curvature of the separating interface and the variations of the strain rate awayfrom the stagnation point. SN 0022-1120 YR 2017 FD 2017-05-16 LK https://hdl.handle.net/10016/35541 UL https://hdl.handle.net/10016/35541 LA eng NO This research was funded by the US AFOSR grant no. FA9550-16-1-0321. The inputs of Professor S. L. Smith, J. Carpio, J. C. Lasheras, A. Liñán, and F. A. Williams on different aspects of this research are gratefully acknowledged. DS e-Archivo RD 27 jul. 2024