RT Conference Proceedings T1 Run-time Support for Real-Time Multimedia in the Cloud A1 Cucinotta, Tommaso A1 Oberle, Karsten A1 Stein, Manuel A1 Domschitz, Peter A1 Mullender, Sape A2 GarcĂ­a Valls, Marisol A2 Cucinotta, Tommaso AB This paper summarizes key research findings inthe area of real-time performance and predictabil-ity of multimedia applications in cloud infrastruc-tures, namely: outcomes of the IRMOS EuropeanProject, addressing predictability of standard vir-tualized infrastructures; Osprey, an Operating Sys-tem with a novel design suitable for a multitude ofheterogeneous workloads including real-time soft-ware; MediaCloud, a novel run-time architecturefor offering on-demand multimedia processing facil-ities with unprecedented dynamism and flexibilityin resource management.The paper highlights key research challenges ad-dressed by these projects and shortly presents ad-ditional questions lying ahead in this area. PB Universidad Carlos III de Madrid SN 978-84-616-7680-4 SN 84-616-7680-4 YR 2013 FD 2013-12-03 LK https://hdl.handle.net/10016/17917 UL https://hdl.handle.net/10016/17917 LA eng NO REACTION 2013. 2nd International Workshop on Real-time and distributed computing in emerging applications. December 3rd, 2013, Vancouver, Canada. DS e-Archivo RD 1 sept. 2024