Publication: Diseño y despliegue de una red definida por software sobre máquinas virtuales
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Durante los últimos años los temas más candentes relativos a las redes de
comunicaciones han sido Software Defined Networking (SDN) y Network Function
Virtualization (NFV).
Tradicionalmente las funcionalidades de red se implementan en el hardware de un
dispositivo dedicado: router, switch, etc, haciendo que las redes evolucionen lentamente
y se encuentren limitadas en funcionalidades; para mejorar esto, se introdujo SDN.
Debido a la actual necesidad de las empresas de virtualizar servidores y trabajar
con MVs (Máquinas Virtuales) de forma ágil, se han empezado a desarrollar parte de las
funciones hardware, de los dispositivos mencionados anteriormente, en software alojado
en un servidor o máquina virtual, facilitando así la automatización de servicios y
Todo esto nos lleva al desarrollo de SDN y los problemas que puede abordar:
Provisión de QoS y seguridad
Implementación y funcionalidad de ampliación de red más sencilla.
Mayor aprovechamiento de los recursos de red.
Reducir el OpEX y el CapEx
Funcionalidades de red más dinámicas en función de la evolución del software.
Reducir la complejidad.
SDN se encarga de desacoplar las funciones del plano de control y el reenvío de la
red, permitiendo al control de la red hacerse programable y ajustar dinámicamente el
tráfico para satisfacer las necesidades cambiantes.
En las redes, el plano de datos se encarga de usar las tablas de enrutamiento
configuradas por el plano de control.
En la arquitectura de las redes definidas por software, el control está centralizado. Los
controladores SDN basados en software mantienen una visión global de la red
permitiendo administrar y optimizar los recursos de forma dinámica mediante software
basado en estándares abiertos que no limitan las operaciones a realizar. Si hablamos de SDN es obligatorio hablar de OpenFlow [9], un estándar abierto que
permite probar protocolos experimentales en redes que utilizamos a diario. OpenFlow se
añade como una característica en los switches Ethernet comerciales, routers y puntos de
acceso inalámbricos. Actualmente los principales proveedores lo están implantando es
sus switches.
El funcionamiento básico de SDN consiste en separar el plano de datos del plano de
control. El plano de datos continúa en el hardware del switch, mientras que las decisiones
de enrutamiento de alto nivel son trasladadas a un controlador. El switch y el controlador
OpenFlow se comunican con dicho protocolo, el cual se encarga de definir ciertos tipos
de mensajes específicos para este tipo de conexiones.
Todas estas ventajas, innovaciones y el auge actual de SDN han motivado el
desarrollo de este Trabajo fin de Grado.
Este proyecto consiste en el desarrollo de un guion de prácticas que será utilizado para
enseñar SDN a estudiantes de universidad, debido a la importancia que tiene en el marco
de las telecomunicaciones actualmente y su futuro prometedor.
Para la consecución de dicho objetivo se ha propuesto el diseño y despliegue de una
red definida por software sobre máquinas virtuales. Las tareas llevadas a cabo durante
este TFG son las siguientes: estudio de SDN y sus principales aplicaciones, estudio del
estándar OpenFlow, estudio de la herramienta Mininet [3] para virtualización de redes,
investigación sobre la interconexión de la red creada en Mininet y un controlador alojado
en una máquina virtual externa, aprendizaje de los tipos de aplicaciones y funcionalidades
que pueden ser utilizadas en el controlador SDN Opendaylight [10].
La primera fase consiste en el estudio de SDN y posibles controladores a utilizar.
Entre los distintos controladores existentes: Floodlight, Ryu, NOX y Opendaylight,
decidimos escoger Opendaylight por la mayor cantidad de documentación y ejemplos
disponibles, y porque es un controlador implementado en Java, lo cual facilita la
ejecución de programas y el despliegue del entorno de trabajo.
Una vez elegido el controlador, desplegamos el entorno de trabajo utilizando Lubuntu
14.04.3 y haciendo uso de la herramienta de virtualización Virtual Box. Lubuntu es un
sistema operativo que no requiere de muchos recursos y es ligero, permitiendo desarrollar
el TFG en un único portátil ... En conclusión, la primera parte es un flujo sencillo pero muy visual para comenzar a
conocer el funcionamiento de SDN y cómo interactúan el controlador y las topologías
desplegadas en Mininet. La segunda parte, por el contrario, es algo más compleja y sirve
para estudiar y entender SDN y su potencial más a fondo, utilizando el gestor de proyectos
con el que trabaja Opendayligh, cómo se instala una aplicación en el controlador, cómo
se ejecuta y cómo se pueden añadir, modificar o eliminar flujos desde la interfaz web
proporcionada por el feature DLux.
Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NV) have been two of the most relevant topics when talking about communication networks in the past years. Traditionally, network functionalities are implemented in the hardware of a dedicated devices: router, switch.etc, making networks evolve slowly and limiting them in terms of functionalities. SDN was introduced as a way to improve these limitations. Currently, companies need to virtualize servers and work with Virtual Machines (VMs) at an increasing speed. Therefore, part of the hardware functionalities have started to be moved from dedicated devices to software hosted in servers or virtual machines. This has facilitated the automation of servers and applications. But before advancing further, it is convenient to understand the development of SDN and the problems this improvement is able to solve: Provision of QoS and security Easier implementation and functionality of network’s growth Increased usage of network resources Reduce OpEx and CapEx More dynamic network functionalities in terms of software evolution Reduction of complexity SDN is in charge of unlinking the functionalities of the network control and forwarding planes, allowing the network control to be programmed and to dynamically adjust the traffic to satisfy the changing needs. Inside the network, the data plane is responsible for transferring a datagram from a specific entry to its respective exit. The control plane decides the route to be followed by the datagram using the routing tables. The architecture of networks defined by software is centralized. The software-based SDN controllers keep a global view of the network facilitating the management and optimization of resources in a dynamic manner, using software based on open standards that do not limit the operations to be made.Talking about SDN makes it necessary to talk about OpenFlow, an open standard that allows trying experimental protocols in daily used networks. OpenFlow is added as a characteristic in commercial Ethernet switches, routers and wireless access points. Currently, the main providers are implanting it on their switches. The basic functioning of SDN consists on separating the data from the control plane. The data plane remains in the switch’s hardware while the high-level routing decisions are transferred to a controller. The switch and the Openflow Controller communicate with the aforementioned protocol, in charge of defining certain specific of messages for this type of connections. All these SDN-related facts and improvements have sparked our interest on the subject, and therefore motivated its study and the subsequent elaboration of this Bachelor Thesis. The main objective of this Final Bachelor Thesis (TFG) is to design and display a software-defined network that can be used as a lab test in University. The lab test guide we will elaborated to teach SDN to university students due to its relevance in the telecommunications area and its promising future. In order to achieve our purpose, we will take the following steps: study SDN and its main applications, study the OpenFlow standard, study Mininet (network virtualization tool), research about the network interconnection created with Mininet and a controller hosted in an external virtual machine; learning about other types of applications and functionalities that can be used in the SDN Controller Opendaylight. In the first part, we will study SDN and possible controllers to use. Among the existing controllers (Floodlight, Ryu, NOX and Opendaylight), we decided to choose Opendaylight because there was more information available. Additionally, it is a Controller implemented in Java, that therefore facilitates the execution of programs and the deployment of the environment. Once the controller has been chosen, we deploy the environment using Lubuntu 14 and the Virtual Box tool. Lubuntu is a light operating system that does not require many resources, allowing us to carry the project in a single laptop. The latter is a requisite for the use of this Final Thesis as teaching material in the future as it provides the university with functioning virtual machines
Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NV) have been two of the most relevant topics when talking about communication networks in the past years. Traditionally, network functionalities are implemented in the hardware of a dedicated devices: router, switch.etc, making networks evolve slowly and limiting them in terms of functionalities. SDN was introduced as a way to improve these limitations. Currently, companies need to virtualize servers and work with Virtual Machines (VMs) at an increasing speed. Therefore, part of the hardware functionalities have started to be moved from dedicated devices to software hosted in servers or virtual machines. This has facilitated the automation of servers and applications. But before advancing further, it is convenient to understand the development of SDN and the problems this improvement is able to solve: Provision of QoS and security Easier implementation and functionality of network’s growth Increased usage of network resources Reduce OpEx and CapEx More dynamic network functionalities in terms of software evolution Reduction of complexity SDN is in charge of unlinking the functionalities of the network control and forwarding planes, allowing the network control to be programmed and to dynamically adjust the traffic to satisfy the changing needs. Inside the network, the data plane is responsible for transferring a datagram from a specific entry to its respective exit. The control plane decides the route to be followed by the datagram using the routing tables. The architecture of networks defined by software is centralized. The software-based SDN controllers keep a global view of the network facilitating the management and optimization of resources in a dynamic manner, using software based on open standards that do not limit the operations to be made.Talking about SDN makes it necessary to talk about OpenFlow, an open standard that allows trying experimental protocols in daily used networks. OpenFlow is added as a characteristic in commercial Ethernet switches, routers and wireless access points. Currently, the main providers are implanting it on their switches. The basic functioning of SDN consists on separating the data from the control plane. The data plane remains in the switch’s hardware while the high-level routing decisions are transferred to a controller. The switch and the Openflow Controller communicate with the aforementioned protocol, in charge of defining certain specific of messages for this type of connections. All these SDN-related facts and improvements have sparked our interest on the subject, and therefore motivated its study and the subsequent elaboration of this Bachelor Thesis. The main objective of this Final Bachelor Thesis (TFG) is to design and display a software-defined network that can be used as a lab test in University. The lab test guide we will elaborated to teach SDN to university students due to its relevance in the telecommunications area and its promising future. In order to achieve our purpose, we will take the following steps: study SDN and its main applications, study the OpenFlow standard, study Mininet (network virtualization tool), research about the network interconnection created with Mininet and a controller hosted in an external virtual machine; learning about other types of applications and functionalities that can be used in the SDN Controller Opendaylight. In the first part, we will study SDN and possible controllers to use. Among the existing controllers (Floodlight, Ryu, NOX and Opendaylight), we decided to choose Opendaylight because there was more information available. Additionally, it is a Controller implemented in Java, that therefore facilitates the execution of programs and the deployment of the environment. Once the controller has been chosen, we deploy the environment using Lubuntu 14 and the Virtual Box tool. Lubuntu is a light operating system that does not require many resources, allowing us to carry the project in a single laptop. The latter is a requisite for the use of this Final Thesis as teaching material in the future as it provides the university with functioning virtual machines
Software Defined Networking (SDN), Redes de comunicación, Radiocomunicación, MVs (Máquinas Virtuales)