Publication: Análisis del contacto rueda-carril aplicando la teoría simplificada y la exacta
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El presente trabajo de fin de grado tiene como principal objetivo el análisis del contacto rueda-carril aplicando la teoría exacta y dos teorías derivadas, con una finalidad comparativa para averiguar sus fortalezas e inconvenientes dependiendo del tipo de variable que se quiera parametrizar.
Previo al análisis, se presentan una serie de conceptos teóricos donde se explica la base del problema del contacto rueda-carril así como de las tres teorías que se usarán posteriormente en un software de sistemas multicuerpo.
Universal Mechanism es el programa que se usará para realizar un modelo simplificado de un caso real: un vehículo ferroviario compuesto de dos bogies que circulará en un rango de velocidades por un tramo curvo a derechas de diferentes radios longitud.
Este modelo se simulará mediante las tres teorías de contacto con el fin de obtener suficiente información de las variables más significativas del contacto rueda-carril que sirvan para su exportación a una hoja de cálculo que permita mostrar una serie de comparativas de forma gráfica y numérica.
The main objective of this final degree project is the analysis of the wheel-rail contact by the use of the exact contact theory and two other theories derived from the first one, with the comparative purpose of finding out their strenghts and disadvantages, depending of the type of variable it is needed to parameterize. Preceding the simulation, a series of theoretical concepts are introduced for the explanation of the wheel-rail problem, in addition to the three theories that will be used hereinafter in a multibody systems software. Universal Mechanism will be the program used to make a simplified model of an hypothetical real case: a railway vehicle composed of a pair of bogies that will run with a wide range of speed, through a curved section that is pointed to the right with different lenght radii. This model will be simulated by the three contact theories presented, in order to obtain sufficient information of the most significant variables of the wheel-rail contact that will be exported to a spreadsheet which allows to show a series of graphical and numerical comparatives.
The main objective of this final degree project is the analysis of the wheel-rail contact by the use of the exact contact theory and two other theories derived from the first one, with the comparative purpose of finding out their strenghts and disadvantages, depending of the type of variable it is needed to parameterize. Preceding the simulation, a series of theoretical concepts are introduced for the explanation of the wheel-rail problem, in addition to the three theories that will be used hereinafter in a multibody systems software. Universal Mechanism will be the program used to make a simplified model of an hypothetical real case: a railway vehicle composed of a pair of bogies that will run with a wide range of speed, through a curved section that is pointed to the right with different lenght radii. This model will be simulated by the three contact theories presented, in order to obtain sufficient information of the most significant variables of the wheel-rail contact that will be exported to a spreadsheet which allows to show a series of graphical and numerical comparatives.
CONTACT, FASTSIM, Kik-Piotrowski, Universal Mechanism, Contacto rueda-carril