Publication: Dworkin y la actitud filosófica
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Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México
A partir del libro Ronald Dworkin. Una biografía intelectual,me interesa defender la hipótesis de que Dworkin es un autor interesante, y en particular un filósofo del derecho que se debe tener en cuenta, no solo por el contenido de sus tesis sino también por su forma de hacer filosofía del derecho. Este trabajo no se enfoca, por tanto, en los contenidos concretos de la propuesta iusfilosófica de Dworkin sino en algunas enseñanzas e invitaciones a la reflexión en relación con el sentido y la capacidad de transformación e incidencia sociales de la filosofía del derecho. La trascendencia del pensamiento de Dworkin radica en que interviene en el corazón del debate planteando problemas conceptuales y justificatorios básicos, y atacando el pensa-miento dominante en un determinado momento
Based on the book Ronald Dworkin. Una biografía intelectual, I will sustain the hypothesis that Dworkin is a philosopher of law that should be taken into account, not only for his ideas, as it is typically the case, but also for his way of doing legal philosophy. This article does not focus, therefore, on the specific contents of Dworkin’s legal philosophy, but rather on his views regarding legal philosophy’s transformative role. Indeed, the value of Dworkin’s thought lies in the fact that it intervenes at the core of the debate, setting out basic conceptual and justificatory problems and attacking the dominant thought at a certain moment.
Based on the book Ronald Dworkin. Una biografía intelectual, I will sustain the hypothesis that Dworkin is a philosopher of law that should be taken into account, not only for his ideas, as it is typically the case, but also for his way of doing legal philosophy. This article does not focus, therefore, on the specific contents of Dworkin’s legal philosophy, but rather on his views regarding legal philosophy’s transformative role. Indeed, the value of Dworkin’s thought lies in the fact that it intervenes at the core of the debate, setting out basic conceptual and justificatory problems and attacking the dominant thought at a certain moment.
Ronald Dworkin, Biografía intelectual, Filosofía del derecho, Intellectual biography, Philosophy of law
Bibliographic citation
Ansuátegui Roig, F. J. (2022). Dworkin and the Philosophical Attitude. Isonomía - Revista de teoría y filosofía del derecho, (56), pp. 136–150.