Publication: Modelización biomecánica de accionamientos mecánicos de resistencia variable
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El principal objetivo de la presente tesis doctoral es la propuesta de una metodología capaz de caracterizar el comportamiento de un sujeto-accionamiento, cuando este último ofrece una resistencia variable para el operador. La metodología está basada en aspectos teóricos y experimentales, siendo estos últimos propuestos y desarrollados ad-hoc por el autor.
Esta metodología ese ha dividido en diferentes etapas, las cuales abarcan desde el planteamiento hasta la creación del modelo, pasando por la identificación de variables, definición, caracterización y selección.
También se han definido objetivos parciales para alcanzar el objetivo original. Estos objetivos parciales se han centrado en la creación de una base de datos que caracterice con precisión a los diferentes sujetos y en el análisis de la influencia de todas aquellas variables que intervienen en el diseño del accionamiento del embrague, así como parámetros antropométricos (altura, peso o edad) y parámetros físicos como la fuerza muscular o la fatiga.
Dado que este trabajo de investigación pretende ser válido para cualquier tipo de accionamiento mecánico que tenga una resistencia variable al operador, no se han considerado los efectos relativos a los parámetros de diseño asociados al propio mecanismo.
Partiendo del objetivo principal expuesto anteriormente, el presente trabajo propone una metodología para la obtención del diseño de un modelo biomecánico y lo aplica a un conductor accionando el embrague, centrándose en el torso inferior.
La principal novedad de este trabajo es la idea de crear un modelo biomecánico gracias a la recopilación de suficiente información que define al operador del accionamiento, en la aplicación seleccionada un conductor de un automóvil. Para ello, se han utilizado equipamiento e instrumentación. como un vehículo automóvil o un dispositivo de bajo coste sEMG (electromiografía de superficie) programado por el autor de la presente tesis doctoral. Además, se ha medido la fuerza de accionamiento sobre el pedal del embrague gracias a un sensor de pedal instalado en el vehículo comercial. El disponer de toda esa información ha sido imprescindible, pues permite conocer cuál es la situación ergonómica del conductor y de esta forma es posible desarrollar un modelo personalizado.
The objective of this dissertation is to propose a model in order to characterize the behaviour of the operator and actuator combination, when the actuator offers a variable mechanical resistance to the operator. The model is mainly based on theoretical and experimental aspects, being the latter original proposals developed ad-hoc by the author for the correct achievement of this doctoral thesis. This model has been split into different stages, which range from the approach to the creation of the model, through the identification, definition, characterization, and selection of the variables. Partial objectives have also been defined to improve the original objective. These partial objectives have been focused on the creation of a database that accurately characterizes the different subjects and on the analysis of the influence of all those variables that are involved in the design of the mechanical drive mechanism, such as the different anthropometric parameters (height, weight, or age) and related physical parameters, such as muscle strength or fatigue. Since this research work is intended to be valid for any type of mechanical drive that has variable resistance to the operator, the effect of the design parameters associated with the mechanism are not considered. Following the main objective describes before, the present work explains the design of a biomechanical model of a driver that focuses on the lower torso, using the proposed methodology. The novelty of this work is the idea of developing a biomechanical model thanks to the gathering of enough information that defines the driver of an automobile. Several technologies have been used for this purpose, such as a motor vehicle or a low-cost sEMG (surface electromyography) device programmed by the author of this doctoral thesis. In addition, the clutch pedal force has been collected thanks to a pedal sensor installed in the commercial vehicle. The information acquired has been useful in order to know the ergonomic situation of the driver and thus to develop a customized model.
The objective of this dissertation is to propose a model in order to characterize the behaviour of the operator and actuator combination, when the actuator offers a variable mechanical resistance to the operator. The model is mainly based on theoretical and experimental aspects, being the latter original proposals developed ad-hoc by the author for the correct achievement of this doctoral thesis. This model has been split into different stages, which range from the approach to the creation of the model, through the identification, definition, characterization, and selection of the variables. Partial objectives have also been defined to improve the original objective. These partial objectives have been focused on the creation of a database that accurately characterizes the different subjects and on the analysis of the influence of all those variables that are involved in the design of the mechanical drive mechanism, such as the different anthropometric parameters (height, weight, or age) and related physical parameters, such as muscle strength or fatigue. Since this research work is intended to be valid for any type of mechanical drive that has variable resistance to the operator, the effect of the design parameters associated with the mechanism are not considered. Following the main objective describes before, the present work explains the design of a biomechanical model of a driver that focuses on the lower torso, using the proposed methodology. The novelty of this work is the idea of developing a biomechanical model thanks to the gathering of enough information that defines the driver of an automobile. Several technologies have been used for this purpose, such as a motor vehicle or a low-cost sEMG (surface electromyography) device programmed by the author of this doctoral thesis. In addition, the clutch pedal force has been collected thanks to a pedal sensor installed in the commercial vehicle. The information acquired has been useful in order to know the ergonomic situation of the driver and thus to develop a customized model.
Mención Internacional en el título de doctor
Accionamiento, Resistencia variable, Modelo biomecánico