Publication: Introducción a los sistemas de conexión HVDC y su contribución a la mejora de la calidad de la energía eléctrica
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Los sistemas HVDC pueden ofrecer mejoras técnicas, medioambientales y, en casos de líneas de larga distancia, económicas, respecto a los sistemas convencionales de transmisión en HVAC. Existen varias topologías para la implementación de estos sistemas. Las topologías dominantes actualmente son LCC, VSC y CSC, cada una con unas características distintas tanto en su control como en sus componentes y su modo de operación. La alta capacidad de control sobre las variables de los sistemas eléctricos que otorgan los sistemas HVDC hace sea muy extendida su instalación en los sistemas de transporte que requieren condiciones especiales. Los sistemas HVDC ayudan a mejorar la calidad de la electricidad y a reducir los apagones a causa de varios tipos de perturbaciones, en especial los apagones causados por las faltas en cascada, y por tanto aumentan la estabilidad de la red eléctrica. Por ello son una opción económicamente viable para conexiones en la que se exigen altas capacidades técnicas que no poseen los sistemas HVAC como son las interconexiones entre redes asíncronas, la descongestión en zonas superpobladas, el transporte de electricidad a muy largas distancias o la generación de energía eléctrica en lugares muy alejados de las zonas de consumo y también en estaciones offshore en las que su instalación es muy usada. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
The HVDC systems can offer technical, environmental improvements, and in cases of high voltage lines, economics improvements, respect to the conventional transmission systems in HVAC. There are several topologies for the implementation of these systems. Now the dominant topologies are LCC, VSC and CSC, each with different characteristics as in control as in its components and their mode of operation. The high capacity of control on electrical systems variables that the HVDC systems provide, makes that his installation is very widespread in transport systems that require special conditions. The HVDC systems help to improve energy quality and reduce the blackouts caused by several types of disturbances, especially blackouts caused by faults in cascade, and therefore increase the stability of the grid. Therefore the HVDC systems are an economically viable option for connections which require high technical skills that don´t have the HVAC systems such as asynchronous interconnections, supply to congested areas, the transport of electrical energy at very large distances or the generation of power away from the consumption areas and offshore stations where the HVDC systems is usually used.
The HVDC systems can offer technical, environmental improvements, and in cases of high voltage lines, economics improvements, respect to the conventional transmission systems in HVAC. There are several topologies for the implementation of these systems. Now the dominant topologies are LCC, VSC and CSC, each with different characteristics as in control as in its components and their mode of operation. The high capacity of control on electrical systems variables that the HVDC systems provide, makes that his installation is very widespread in transport systems that require special conditions. The HVDC systems help to improve energy quality and reduce the blackouts caused by several types of disturbances, especially blackouts caused by faults in cascade, and therefore increase the stability of the grid. Therefore the HVDC systems are an economically viable option for connections which require high technical skills that don´t have the HVAC systems such as asynchronous interconnections, supply to congested areas, the transport of electrical energy at very large distances or the generation of power away from the consumption areas and offshore stations where the HVDC systems is usually used.
Sistemas eléctricos, Energía eléctrica, Sistema de transmisión HVDC