Publication: El impacto de la brecha salarial en la acción protectora del sistema de la Seguridad Social
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La situación de la mujer en el mercado de trabajo (caracterizada por menores tasas de actividad y de empleo, por mayores tasas de paro, de temporalidad y de parcialidad, así como por salarios de menor cuantía) tiene un claro impacto en su carrera de seguro a efectos de causar futuras prestaciones de la Seguridad Social. Los datos evidencian que las mujeres, además de presentar carreras de cotización más cortas que los hombres, han cotizado al sistema por bases de menor cuantía. El abandono del mercado de trabajo por la asunción de responsabilidades familiares, las interrupciones en la carrera profesional, la realización de trabajos a tiempo parcial o con jornada reducida, tienen una clara incidencia en la protección social, pues provocan dos consecuencias claras: a) una mayor dificultad para acceder a las prestaciones de carácter contributivo; y b) una mayor probabilidad de generar pensiones de menor cuantía. Y aunque es cierto que nuestro ordenamiento jurídico ha previsto un elenco de medidas que pretenden corregir los efectos de la brecha salarial en el ámbito de la acción protectora del sistema de Seguridad Social, se trata de un modelo insuficiente que presenta, además, múltiples disfunciones. Este trabajo analiza con espíritu crítico este conjunto de mecanismos de corrección, realizando propuestas de reforma legislativa para tratar de paliar los efectos de la brecha salarial en el ámbito de la protección social.
The situation of women in the labor market (characterized by lower rates of activity and employment, higher rates of unemployment, temporary and bias, as well as lower wages) has a clear impact on their insurance career for the purpose of causing future Social Security benefits. The data show that women, in addition to presenting shorter contribution careers than men, have paid into the system for smaller amounts. The abandonment of the labor market due to the assumption of family responsibilities, interruptions in the professional career, the performance of part-time work or reduced working hours, have a clear impact on social protection, as they cause two clear consequences: a) a greater difficulty in accessing contributory benefits; and b) a greater probability of generating smaller pensions. And although it is true that our legal system has provided a list of measures that aim to correct the effects of the wage gap in the scope of the protective action of the Social Security system, it is an insufficient model that also presents multiple dysfunctions. This work critically analyzes this set of correction mechanisms, making proposals for legislative reform to try to alleviate the effects of the wage gap in the field of social protection.
The situation of women in the labor market (characterized by lower rates of activity and employment, higher rates of unemployment, temporary and bias, as well as lower wages) has a clear impact on their insurance career for the purpose of causing future Social Security benefits. The data show that women, in addition to presenting shorter contribution careers than men, have paid into the system for smaller amounts. The abandonment of the labor market due to the assumption of family responsibilities, interruptions in the professional career, the performance of part-time work or reduced working hours, have a clear impact on social protection, as they cause two clear consequences: a) a greater difficulty in accessing contributory benefits; and b) a greater probability of generating smaller pensions. And although it is true that our legal system has provided a list of measures that aim to correct the effects of the wage gap in the scope of the protective action of the Social Security system, it is an insufficient model that also presents multiple dysfunctions. This work critically analyzes this set of correction mechanisms, making proposals for legislative reform to try to alleviate the effects of the wage gap in the field of social protection.
Discriminación por razón de sexo, Desigualdad entre mujeres y hombres, Brecha salarial, Brecha prestacional, Protección social, Seguridad Social, Discrimination based on sex, Inequality between women and men, Wage gap, Benefit gap, Social protection, Social security
Bibliographic citation
Aragón Gómez, C. (2018). El impacto de la brecha salarial en la acción protectora del sistema de la Seguridad Social. Documentación Laboral, n. 115, vol. III, pp. 53-80