Publication: Representación de los trabajadores y protección de datos de carácter personal como fuente de poder
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La información es poder y la digitalización ha traído consigo un aumento exponencial de la
cantidad y variedad de información disponible, así como de las posibilidades de su tratamiento.
Esto implica una alteración del esquema de poder de las partes concernidas, lo que es especialmente significativo en los sistemas de relaciones laborales. Desde esta perspectiva, el tratamiento de datos con carácter general y el de los personales en particular no solamente es una cuestión de ponderación de derechos e intereses en juego, sino de equilibrio de poderes entre las partes de la relación laboral.
El presente trabajo analiza las posibilidades de acceso a los datos de carácter personal por
parte de la representación legal de los trabajadores. Para ello, tras una breve introducción en
la que se expone la perspectiva de análisis descrita, se abordan los diferentes puntos de fricción en lo que hace al acceso a los datos para, a continuación, destacar el modo en que tales conflictos han sido resueltos en el plano práctico por la jurisprudencia y la doctrina judicial, académica y administrativa. El estudio se cierra destacando unas breves conclusiones.
Information is power and digitization has brought with it an exponential increase in the amount and variety of information available as well as in the possibilities of its treatment. This implies an alteration of the power scheme of the parties concerned, which is especially significant in industrial relations systems. From this perspective, data processing in general and personal data in particular is not only a matter of balancing rights and interests at stake, but of balancing powers between the parties of the employment relationship. This work analyzes the possibilities of access to personal data by the legal representation of workers. To do this, after a brief introduction in which the analytical methodology is described, the different points of friction in terms of access to data are addressed, and, then, it highlights the way in which such conflicts have been resolved by case law, academic and administrative doctrine. The study is closed by highlighting some brief conclusions.
Information is power and digitization has brought with it an exponential increase in the amount and variety of information available as well as in the possibilities of its treatment. This implies an alteration of the power scheme of the parties concerned, which is especially significant in industrial relations systems. From this perspective, data processing in general and personal data in particular is not only a matter of balancing rights and interests at stake, but of balancing powers between the parties of the employment relationship. This work analyzes the possibilities of access to personal data by the legal representation of workers. To do this, after a brief introduction in which the analytical methodology is described, the different points of friction in terms of access to data are addressed, and, then, it highlights the way in which such conflicts have been resolved by case law, academic and administrative doctrine. The study is closed by highlighting some brief conclusions.
Representación de los trabajadores, Protección de datos de carácter personal, Datos de carácterpersonal, Información, Workers representation,, Personal data protection, Information
Bibliographic citation
Pérez del Prado, D. (2020), Representación de los trabajadores y protección de datos de carácter personal como fuente de poder. Documentación laboral , 1(119), pp.57-77