Publication: Aplicación de ingeniería inversa : una experiencia con sistemas CRM
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Durante el desarrollo de un proyecto software, las organizaciones suelen fijar toda su atención y esfuerzo en alcanzar todos los objetivos fijados para conseguir fabricar un producto que satisfaga las necesidades del cliente, que esté a la altura del mercado y sea rentable. Pero en ocasiones, debido a las presiones de tiempo y plazo, el proceso de generación de la documentación sobre el producto que se está elaborando se suele obviar o minimizar. Esto, a largo plazo, supone limitaciones a la hora de la utilización o mantenimiento del propio producto. Para solucionar este problema, existen diversas técnicas y procesos para poder obtener información necesaria sobre un producto ya existente. Uno de estos procesos es la ingeniería inversa. Así surge el presente proyecto, que consiste en obtener documentación sobre una herramienta CRM comercial mediante la aplicación de ingeniería inversa. Durante dicho proceso se identifican aspectos tan importantes como sus componentes y funcionalidades y a su vez se proponen nuevos requisitos para una actualización mediante un proceso de reingeniería que mejore la calidad de la aplicación e incorpore nuevas tecnologías. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
During the project process development of software, organizations try to focus all efforts and resources on achieving all stipulated goals and objectives and make an economic and competitive product that satisfies customers needs. In some cases, the process of document generation of the product being developed is either minimized or avoided due to short time-to-market. This situation could produce limitations to the user management and limitations on the maintenance of the product. To solve this problem, there are several techniques and processes in order to obtain neccesary information about an existing product. One of these processes is called reverse engineering. The objective of the current project is to obtain the documentation about a CRM business tool using reverse engineering. During this process the most important features as its components and functionality are identified. Also, during the process, new requirements are proposed for future versions using a reengineering process improving the quality of the application and including emerging technologies.
During the project process development of software, organizations try to focus all efforts and resources on achieving all stipulated goals and objectives and make an economic and competitive product that satisfies customers needs. In some cases, the process of document generation of the product being developed is either minimized or avoided due to short time-to-market. This situation could produce limitations to the user management and limitations on the maintenance of the product. To solve this problem, there are several techniques and processes in order to obtain neccesary information about an existing product. One of these processes is called reverse engineering. The objective of the current project is to obtain the documentation about a CRM business tool using reverse engineering. During this process the most important features as its components and functionality are identified. Also, during the process, new requirements are proposed for future versions using a reengineering process improving the quality of the application and including emerging technologies.
Ingeniería del software, Ingeniería inversa, CRM (Customer Relationship Management), Satisfacción del cliente