Publication: Análisis sociológico multivariante de los asegurados en España
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La técnica utilizada ha sido el análisis factorial exploratorio que permite una reducción
de dimensiones con la consecuente mejora en la interpretación de variables latentes no
observadas y que explican la realidad financiera de los encuestados. Esto se hará desde
una perspectiva financiera con la intención de detectar aquellas variables que hacen a
una persona propensa a contratar un seguro por decisión propia. Una vez identificados
los factores, se ha realizado un clúster jerárquico para la agrupación de los encuestados.
Finalmente aplicamos técnicas supervisadas para validar la clasificación entre grupos.
The technique used has been the Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) that allows a reduction of dimensions with the consequent improvement in the interpretation of latent variables not observed and that explain the financial reality of the respondents. This will be done from a financial perspective with the intention of detecting those variables that make a person prone to take out insurance on their own. Once the factors have been elaborated, a hierarchical cluster has been made to identify the financial profiles of the respondents. Finally we applied supervised techniques to validate the classification between groups.
The technique used has been the Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) that allows a reduction of dimensions with the consequent improvement in the interpretation of latent variables not observed and that explain the financial reality of the respondents. This will be done from a financial perspective with the intention of detecting those variables that make a person prone to take out insurance on their own. Once the factors have been elaborated, a hierarchical cluster has been made to identify the financial profiles of the respondents. Finally we applied supervised techniques to validate the classification between groups.
OCDE, Encuesta Competencias Financieras, ECF, Multivariante, Valores Influyentes, Análisis Factorial Exploratorio, AFE, Clúster Jerárquico, Análisis Discriminante Lineal, Regresión Logística, OECD, International Survey of Adult Financial Literacy Competencies, Multivariate, Influential Data, Exploratory Factor Analysis, EFA, Hierarchical Cluster, Linear Discriminant Analysis, LDA, Logistic Regression