Publication: Análisis del contacto en los elementos de rodadura de sistemas ferroviario
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El presente trabajo se desarrolla dentro del sector ferroviario, profundizando en
la investigación del contacto en lo elementos de rodadura de vehículos
ferroviarios. Los objetos de estudio son el contacto rueda-carril, que se produce
durante la circulación de vehículos, y contacto rueda-rodillos, que se produce
en los bancos de ensayo.
A partir de dos modelos ya creados en el programa PTC Creo Parametric,
estos se modifican para poder ser analizados utilizando el programa ANSYS
En primer lugar, se adapta el modelo rueda-carril de modo que sea compatible
con ANSYS. Una vez que se puede trabajar con ANSYS, se realiza un estudio
de Elementos Finitos a través del citado programa, donde se somete al eje del
modelo a variaciones de carga.
En segundo lugar, se realiza el proceso anterior para el modelo rueda-rodillos.
A partir del modelo de Elementos Finitos se realizan una serie de simulaciones
variando la distancia entre los dos rodillos.
Para concluir se lleva a cabo un análisis de los siguientes parámetros: tensión
de Von Mises, presión de contacto y área de contacto. Este análisis incluye
cotejar los valores obtenidos con los teóricos de un modelo de contacto según
The present work is developed within the railway sector, deepening the investigation of the contact in the elements of rolling of railway vehicles. The objects of study are wheel-rail contact, which occurs during vehicle circulation, and wheel-roller contact, which occurs on test benches. From two models already created in the PTC Creo Parametric program, they are modified to be analyzed using the ANSYS Workbench program. First, the wheel-rail model is adapted so that it is compatible with ANSYS. Once it is possible to work with ANSYS, a study of Finite Elements is carried out through the mentioned program, where the axis of the model is subjected to load variations. Secondly, the above process is performed for the wheel-roller model. From the Finite Element model, a series of simulations are performed by varying the distance between the two rollers. To conclude, an analysis of the following parameters is carried out: Von Mises voltage, contact pressure and contact area. This analysis includes comparing the values obtained with the theoreticians of a contact model according to Hertz.
The present work is developed within the railway sector, deepening the investigation of the contact in the elements of rolling of railway vehicles. The objects of study are wheel-rail contact, which occurs during vehicle circulation, and wheel-roller contact, which occurs on test benches. From two models already created in the PTC Creo Parametric program, they are modified to be analyzed using the ANSYS Workbench program. First, the wheel-rail model is adapted so that it is compatible with ANSYS. Once it is possible to work with ANSYS, a study of Finite Elements is carried out through the mentioned program, where the axis of the model is subjected to load variations. Secondly, the above process is performed for the wheel-roller model. From the Finite Element model, a series of simulations are performed by varying the distance between the two rollers. To conclude, an analysis of the following parameters is carried out: Von Mises voltage, contact pressure and contact area. This analysis includes comparing the values obtained with the theoreticians of a contact model according to Hertz.
Tecnología ferroviaria, ANSYS Workbench., Modelo de Elementos Finitos, Resistencia de materiales