Publication: Interconexión de redes de sensores inalámbricas y aplicaciones externas usando el lenguaje SENCOMLNG
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En este proyecto se pretende plantear e implementar un modelo para intercomunicar una red de sensores inalámbrica con una aplicación externa. Para ello se desarrollará una aplicación extremo a extremo de un sistema de comunicaciones para la solicitud de información de dispositivos inalámbricos. Las redes inalámbricas de sensores no están diseñadas para soportar grandes cargas de información, lo que supone un problema a la hora de desarrollar aplicaciones para este tipo de redes. Mediante la solución planteada en eXtensible Binary Enconding (XBE32) [1] y LWESP: Light- Weight Exterior Sensornet Protocol [2], se desarrollará una aplicación que solvente estos problemas, pudiendo utilizar el potencial de XML para realizar peticiones sin que esto afecte a la hora de realizar peticiones en la red de sensores final. Esta implementación se realizará mediante una aplicación Java para realizar peticiones en la red externa y la cual llevará un registro de las respuestas recibidas. Utilizará Internet para comunicarse con un equipo directamente conectado al punto de enlace con la red inalámbrica IEEE 802.15.4 sobre la que se realizarán las peticiones. El punto de enlace será el dispositivo que crea la red y estará formado por una placa con un microprocesador, un transceptor y una serie de sensores, entre otros elementos. Mediante la programación de este, junto con el resto de dispositivos inalámbricos, la comunicación extremo a extremo será posible. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
The goal of this project is the implementation of a mechanism to intercommunicate a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) and an external application. With this objective, an end-to-end application for a communication system will be developed. This application will request information to the wireless devices. WSNs are not conceived to carry large amounts of data. This entails a problem when designing applications for this kind of networks. Through the proposals described in eXtensible Binary Enconding (XBE32) [1] and LWESP: Light- Weight Exterior Sensornet Protocol [2], an application that solves this problem will be developed. In this way, the power of XML could be used to make requests to a wireless sensor network. A Java application will make the request in the external network and will carry a register of the received replies. Internet will be used to link the external application with a computer directly connected to the access point to the final IEEE 802.15.4. The access point is the wireless network coordinator and it is a device with a microcontroller, a transceptor and a series of embedded sensors. Programming this device, along with the other wireless devices, will make the end-to-end communication possible.
The goal of this project is the implementation of a mechanism to intercommunicate a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) and an external application. With this objective, an end-to-end application for a communication system will be developed. This application will request information to the wireless devices. WSNs are not conceived to carry large amounts of data. This entails a problem when designing applications for this kind of networks. Through the proposals described in eXtensible Binary Enconding (XBE32) [1] and LWESP: Light- Weight Exterior Sensornet Protocol [2], an application that solves this problem will be developed. In this way, the power of XML could be used to make requests to a wireless sensor network. A Java application will make the request in the external network and will carry a register of the received replies. Internet will be used to link the external application with a computer directly connected to the access point to the final IEEE 802.15.4. The access point is the wireless network coordinator and it is a device with a microcontroller, a transceptor and a series of embedded sensors. Programming this device, along with the other wireless devices, will make the end-to-end communication possible.
Redes de comunicación, Redes inalámbricas, Protocolos de comunicación