Publication: Cálculo de las instalaciones para un parque solar fotovoltaico
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El presente proyecto tiene por objeto llevar a cabo el diseño de una cubierta solar fotovoltaica conectada a la red eléctrica e integrada en las marquesinas del aparcamiento del aeropuerto de Gran Canaria. El fin perseguido es diseñar una cubierta solar fotovoltaica que genere el máximo de energía eléctrica posible con objeto de volcarla a la Red Eléctrica y obtener el consecuente beneficio económico por su venta tal y como establece el RD 6/2009, en el que se definen las condiciones de explotación de plantas de generación de energía eléctrica mediante placas fotovoltaicas. Además claro está, del correspondiente beneficio ambiental y social por el ahorro de emisiones contaminantes y la mejora en la imagen del edificio que la implantación del sistema solar fotovoltaico supone. En el desarrollo del proyecto se estudia el diseño e integración arquitectónica con objeto de alcanzar el dimensionado óptimo de la instalación fotovoltaica, atendiendo no sólo a las necesidades energéticas, sino también a criterios estéticos, arquitectónicos y de sostenibilidad. Para el diseño propuesto se ha evaluado la cantidad de energía eléctrica generada, así como el diseño estructural del aparcamiento, el beneficio económico resultante de la venta de la energía producida. Por último se evalúa la sostenibilidad económica, medioambiental y social de la instalación planteada. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
The Project´s objetive is the development of a solar photovoltaic roof connected and integrated in the airport´s parking of Gran Canaria. The purpose of this project is to design a photovoltaic solar roof to generate as much electricity as possible to get the economic benefit resulting from their sale as provided Decree 6 / 2009, which defines the plant operating conditions to generate electricity through photovoltaic panels. In addition of the relevant environmental and social benefit by saving emissions and improving the image of the building due to the solar photovoltaic system implementation. The main of this Project is to study the design and the architectural integration of the roof in order to find the optimum size of the PV system, taking care not only of the energy needs, but also of the aesthetic, architectural and sustainability. For the design of the project, the amount of electricity generated has been evaluated, and the same with the structural design of the solar park and the economic benefit resulting from the sale of energy produced. Finally, we evaluate the economic, environmental and social performance installation.
The Project´s objetive is the development of a solar photovoltaic roof connected and integrated in the airport´s parking of Gran Canaria. The purpose of this project is to design a photovoltaic solar roof to generate as much electricity as possible to get the economic benefit resulting from their sale as provided Decree 6 / 2009, which defines the plant operating conditions to generate electricity through photovoltaic panels. In addition of the relevant environmental and social benefit by saving emissions and improving the image of the building due to the solar photovoltaic system implementation. The main of this Project is to study the design and the architectural integration of the roof in order to find the optimum size of the PV system, taking care not only of the energy needs, but also of the aesthetic, architectural and sustainability. For the design of the project, the amount of electricity generated has been evaluated, and the same with the structural design of the solar park and the economic benefit resulting from the sale of energy produced. Finally, we evaluate the economic, environmental and social performance installation.
Instalaciones eléctricas, Instalaciones fotovoltaicas, Energía solar