Publication: Localización de eventos en radiofrecuencia mediante una antena de alta directividad
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En el presente trabajo se analizan las emisiones electromagnéticas producidas en la banda de ultra alta frecuencia UHF por la actividad de descargas parciales (DPs). El principal objetivo es la localización de la fuente de este fenómeno mediante un sistema que no precise de contacto eléctrico y analice un área en todo su conjunto, como puede ser una subestación. Así, se detectarían con mayor rapidez los equipos que presentan fallos en una instalación, puesto que se evitaría examinar cada elemento por separado.
Para captar la radiación de las descargas parciales se emplea una antena directiva acoplada a un sistema móvil que permite adquirir las ondas en diferentes posiciones. Posteriormente, se realiza una serie de cálculos sobre estas señales y a partir de sus resultados se establece la procedencia del fenómeno.
Este trabajo precisa tomar como base el proyecto Control mediante Arduino del movimiento de una antena directiva con un servomotor, que proporciona el sistema móvil en el que se acopla la antena y el sistema de adquisición de las señales. Este último consiste en la comunicación entre los datos recibidos por el sensor y el software empleado para el análisis a través de una tarjeta de adquisición.
This document discuss the electromagnetic emissions in the ultra high frequency (UHF) band produced by partial discharge (PD) activity. The main objective is the location of the source of this phenomenon through a system that does not require electrical contact and analyse a wide area, such as a substation. Thus, equipments that present failures in their electrical installation would be detected faster, since it would avoid to examine each element separately. To capture the radiation of partial discharges, a directional antenna attached to a mobile system that allow to analyze the waves in different positions is used. Subsequently, a series of calculations on these signals is carried out, and the origin of the phenomenon is determined based on their results. This project requires the use as a basis the work Control with Arduino from the movement of a directive antenna with a servomotor, which provides the mobile system in which the antenna is coupled and the signals acquisition system. The latter consists of the communication between the data received by the sensor and the software used for the analysis of the signals through a data acquisition card.
This document discuss the electromagnetic emissions in the ultra high frequency (UHF) band produced by partial discharge (PD) activity. The main objective is the location of the source of this phenomenon through a system that does not require electrical contact and analyse a wide area, such as a substation. Thus, equipments that present failures in their electrical installation would be detected faster, since it would avoid to examine each element separately. To capture the radiation of partial discharges, a directional antenna attached to a mobile system that allow to analyze the waves in different positions is used. Subsequently, a series of calculations on these signals is carried out, and the origin of the phenomenon is determined based on their results. This project requires the use as a basis the work Control with Arduino from the movement of a directive antenna with a servomotor, which provides the mobile system in which the antenna is coupled and the signals acquisition system. The latter consists of the communication between the data received by the sensor and the software used for the analysis of the signals through a data acquisition card.
Radiocomunicación, Antenas, Descargas eléctricas