Publication: Semi-parametric and non-parametric methods for directional data
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La mayoría de los trabajos en estadística se centran en datos lineales. Sin embargo, en muchos casos, se observan datos en forma de direcciones o tiempos de ocurrencia. Este tipo de datos reciben el nombre de datos direccionales. Los datos direccionales habituales se pueden clasificar en datos circulares, que se pueden representar como puntos en el círculo unidad, datos toroidales, cilíndricos o esféricos. Ejemplos típicos de datos circulares son las rutas de migración de aves, estudiadas en biología (véase p.e. Batschelet, 1981), o la hora del día en la que llegan los pacientes a la sala de urgencias de un hospital. Ejemplos de datos toroidales, o circulares-circulares, se pueden encontrar en la estructura de los ángulos de los aminoácidos y ejemplos de datos cilíndricos, o circulares-lineales, en la dirección y fuerza del viento. Por último, un ejemplo de datos esféricos se tiene al medir la posición de los observatorios en los que se ha registrado más de cierta cantidad de lluvia durante el útimo año. Los datos direccionales poseen algunas características intrínsecas que requieren técnicas de análisis especiales. Por ejemplo, en el caso circular, es evidente que los ángulos 10⁰ y 350⁰ están muy próximos, pero la media lineal de estos ángulos es 180⁰, cuando en realidad es 0⁰. Debidas a estas y otras características, principalmente topológicas, una gran mayoría de las técnicas habituales que se aplican a los datos en la recta real resultan inaplicables a este tipo de datos y, por tanto, se han desarrollado numerosos modelos y técnicas específicas en la literatura para este tipo de datos. La mayoría de los trabajos sobre datos direccionales en estadística se han centrado en modelos paramétricos. Sin embargo, casi todos estos modelos son unimodales y/o simétricos, de modo que en muchas situaciones reales los datos no se pueden ajustar adecuadamente usando estos modelos. Por tanto, resulta muy interesante el desarrollo de otros procedimientos alternativos más flexibles y con menos restricciones paramétricas. Hasta ahora, la literatura existente sobre modelos no paramétricos o semiparamétricos es muy escasa reduciéndose, básicamente, a procedimientos basados en métodos kernel en el caso no paramétrico y basados en mixturas de modelos paramétricos en el caso semiparamétrico. El principal objetivo de esta Tesis es por tanto el desarrollo de nuevos modelos no paramétricos y semiparamétricos que sean apropiados para datos direccionales. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Most work in statistics is centred on linear data. However, in many cases, the observed data can be represented as directions, or periodic occurrence times. Data of this type are called directional data. Typical directional data types are circular data, that can be represented as points on a unit circle, toroidal data, cylindrical data or spherical data. Examples of circular data are the departure directions of birds, or the 24 hour clock arrival times of patients in a hospital. An example of toroidal, or circular-circular data can be found in the structure of the dihedral angles of amino acids and an example of cylindrical or circular-linear data can be found as the direction and strength the wind in various locations. Finally, an example of spherical data is the position of the observatories which registered more than a certain amount of rain during the last year. Directional data have some intrinsic characteristics which require special statistical tools. For example, in the circular case, it is clear that the angles 10⁰ and 350⁰ are very close, but the linear mean of these angles is 180⁰, while the true mean is 0⁰. Thus, it is clear that linear statistical measures such as the mean are not appropriate summaries of these data. Also, due to the shape constraints of directional data, standard probabilistic models are not usually appropriate for such data and special models have been developed for such data. Most work in directional statistics up to now has concentrated on parametric models. However, the great majority of such models are unimodal and / or symmetric, so that many real data samples cannot be fitted appropriately by such models. Therefore it is interesting to concentrate on alternative, more exible approaches with fewer parametric assumptions. Up to now, there has been relatively little work on non-parametric or semiparametric models, except for kernel density based approaches in the non-parametric case and approaches based on mixtures of parametric models in the semi-parametric case. The main objective of this thesis is thus to develop new non-parametric and semi-parametric models which are appropriate for analyzing directional data.
Most work in statistics is centred on linear data. However, in many cases, the observed data can be represented as directions, or periodic occurrence times. Data of this type are called directional data. Typical directional data types are circular data, that can be represented as points on a unit circle, toroidal data, cylindrical data or spherical data. Examples of circular data are the departure directions of birds, or the 24 hour clock arrival times of patients in a hospital. An example of toroidal, or circular-circular data can be found in the structure of the dihedral angles of amino acids and an example of cylindrical or circular-linear data can be found as the direction and strength the wind in various locations. Finally, an example of spherical data is the position of the observatories which registered more than a certain amount of rain during the last year. Directional data have some intrinsic characteristics which require special statistical tools. For example, in the circular case, it is clear that the angles 10⁰ and 350⁰ are very close, but the linear mean of these angles is 180⁰, while the true mean is 0⁰. Thus, it is clear that linear statistical measures such as the mean are not appropriate summaries of these data. Also, due to the shape constraints of directional data, standard probabilistic models are not usually appropriate for such data and special models have been developed for such data. Most work in directional statistics up to now has concentrated on parametric models. However, the great majority of such models are unimodal and / or symmetric, so that many real data samples cannot be fitted appropriately by such models. Therefore it is interesting to concentrate on alternative, more exible approaches with fewer parametric assumptions. Up to now, there has been relatively little work on non-parametric or semiparametric models, except for kernel density based approaches in the non-parametric case and approaches based on mixtures of parametric models in the semi-parametric case. The main objective of this thesis is thus to develop new non-parametric and semi-parametric models which are appropriate for analyzing directional data.
Directional data, Semi-parametric methods, Non-parametric methods