Publication: Plan de negocio de una empresa distribuidora de ventanas
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En este Trabajo de Fin de Grado (TFG) se realiza un estudio para la implantación de una
empresa distribuidora de ventanas. Se pretende analizar y estudiar la viabilidad que
tendría dicha empresa si decidiera entrar en el mercado.
A lo largo del proyecto se estudia el encaje de la compañía en el sector, la estrategia a
largo plazo, la demanda que se puede generar y la rentabilidad que se puede esperar.
El análisis pretende ser lo más exhaustivo posible, por ello se han hecho modelos
financieros que tienen en cuenta los costes que se puedan generar, desde el
aprovisionamiento de materias primas hasta los gastos necesarios para llevar a cabo la
operativa diaria de la empresa.
Al final de este documento, el lector tendrá una idea clara del espíritu de la empresa y
de lo que pretende en el corto, el medio y el largo plazo. El Plan de Negocio se ha
dividido en varias secciones según los temas fundamentales para agilizar la búsqueda
de información.
Se partirá de un estudio del sector y de la zona donde operará la empresa, realizando
un estado de la cuestión que permita situar y centrar el tema tratado,
conceptualizando los términos básicos para posteriormente explicar cómo funcionará
y crecerá la compañía. Por último, se expondrán los resultados y conclusiones, así
como también los planes de mejora oportunos que podrían establecerse.
This project tries to study the feasibility of a window distributor company. The investigation aims to analyze if the company can survive if it decides to enter the market. During this project it is studied the fit of the firm in the market, the long-term strategy, the potential demand and the expected profitability. The financial study aims to be very accurate and it considers every single cost, in this document we can find from the expenditures in raw materials to the expenditures of the daily operation needs. At the end of this study, the reader will have a clear idea of the company’s spirit, its intentions in the short, middle and long-term. The Business Plan has been divided in many sections. The project will start with a competitive analysis and market research, paying special attention to the area where the firm is going to offer its products. After that, a complete analysis of how the company is going to work and grow will be made. To conclude, the results will be shown and a final conclusion will be reached.
This project tries to study the feasibility of a window distributor company. The investigation aims to analyze if the company can survive if it decides to enter the market. During this project it is studied the fit of the firm in the market, the long-term strategy, the potential demand and the expected profitability. The financial study aims to be very accurate and it considers every single cost, in this document we can find from the expenditures in raw materials to the expenditures of the daily operation needs. At the end of this study, the reader will have a clear idea of the company’s spirit, its intentions in the short, middle and long-term. The Business Plan has been divided in many sections. The project will start with a competitive analysis and market research, paying special attention to the area where the firm is going to offer its products. After that, a complete analysis of how the company is going to work and grow will be made. To conclude, the results will be shown and a final conclusion will be reached.
Plan de negocio, Creación de empresas, Logística empresarial