Publication: The cultural history of the university: a proposal
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Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Instituto Antonio de Nebrija de estudios sobre la universidad
A partir de un breve repaso de la evolución de la historia cultural, este ensayo plantea las temáticas y aproximaciones metodológicas de un hipotético análisis de las universidades desde la perspectiva de la «nueva historia cultural» de inspiración antropológica. Sugiere que un estudio de esta índole pondría énfasis en las siguientes problemáticas: las distintas redes de relaciones sociales dentro de la universidad y las que la vinculan con su entorno; la estructuración de las universidades como comunidades explícitamente masculinas; el papel de la universidad como sistema político y como lugar y fuente de identidades individuales y colectivas.
Following a brief review oí the evolution of cultural history, this essay speculates about the themes and methodological approaches of a hypothetical analysis of universities from the perspective of the «new cultural history» of anthropological inspiration. It suggests that such a study would emphasize, among other themes, the different grids of social relations both within and linking universities with the outside world; the structuring of universities as explicitly masculine communities; and their roles as political systems, and as loci and sources of individual and collective identities.
Following a brief review oí the evolution of cultural history, this essay speculates about the themes and methodological approaches of a hypothetical analysis of universities from the perspective of the «new cultural history» of anthropological inspiration. It suggests that such a study would emphasize, among other themes, the different grids of social relations both within and linking universities with the outside world; the structuring of universities as explicitly masculine communities; and their roles as political systems, and as loci and sources of individual and collective identities.