Closing the gap between theoretical and empirical research on sociology of human rights; a common conceptualisation for both sides

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The advancement of sociology walks on two feet: the theoretical and the empirical research. In the case of sociology of human rights, the disconection between this two branches may be the reason which could explain why this science is not yet firmly established. It is paid more attention to the theoretical field in Europe. In Richard P. Claude’s words, “Comparative literature on the politico-legal history of righs and liberties is neither extensive nor systematic. French, German, British and Scandinavian scholars have shown a greater willingness than have Americans to generalize about staged development of rights and liberties and to scan lengthy historical periods”(CLAUDE: 1976, 6). On the other hand, the empirical research (and particularly the statistical research) has been developed mainly in the United States. But there´s a lack of conection between them. The theoretical branch is somehow captive to the grand theory programm, and so it is not still sufficiently qualified for linking its description of the human rights evolution to the other big trends of social change: urbanization, capitalist economy development, nation-state model widening in politics, population schooling, and so on. The sociological theory should answer the question: what are the social prerequisites for the efficiency of legal norms protecting human rights? Once we can give a proper answer to this question, then the sociological theory could apply its general model to the concrete analysis of the situation in a particular country.
sociología de los derechos humanos, indicadores de derechos humanos, modelización para la investigación empírica
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